My latest book is The One Who Swam With The Fishes.

"A mesmerizing account of the well-known story of Matsyagandha ... and her transformation from fisherman’s daughter to Satyavati, Santanu’s royal consort and the Mother/Progenitor of the Kuru clan." - Hindustan Times

"Themes of fate, morality and power overlay a subtle and essential feminism to make this lyrical book a must-read. If this is Madhavan’s first book in the Girls from the Mahabharata series, there is much to look forward to in the months to come." - Open Magazine

"A gleeful dollop of Blytonian magic ... Reddy Madhavan is also able to tackle some fairly sensitive subjects such as identity, the love of and karmic ties with parents, adoption, the first sexual encounter, loneliness, and my favourite, feminist rage." - Scroll

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6 October 2009

Linkslutting around town

* Ahoy there, readers in Kerala! I am going to be in your state! Actually, am going for the Kovalam Lit Fest again this year, this time as a tag-along and not an invitee. The plan was that I'd spend the three days just chilling at the Taj, something I didn't get a chance to do last year. But then my brain went into overload and not only did I offer to do a piece on the festival, I also called my publishers and asked if they would organise a book reading for me in Trivandrum. So, they did, and I am, and if you're in that city, please come on over and say hi! It's on the 9th of October at 5.30 pm at DC Books, 1st Floor, Karimpanal Statue Avenue, Statue Junction, Trivandrum. And it should be fun, promise. I'll only read for a little bit and we can chat for the rest of the time.

* Thank you all for coming through and commenting on the last post. I felt all loved again.

* The love of my life this week are lace up Doc Marten style, knee high boots. They're SO beautiful, even though they pinch my toes a weeny bit, what is pain when compared to style, right? (Okay, maybe a bit more than a weeny bit, but suck it up, toes! This'll make you stronger.) I got the idea of getting boots from this BRILLIANT new blog I have discovered (by 'discovered', I mean 'told about'). And she's like my shopping soul sister, practically, so I emailed her and we're going to meet soon! (In a non-stalker way, of course.) I tried to break in my new boots on a walk around town we did this Sunday, and the first hour went fine but by the end of it I was practically curled up in a ball and moaning. That's the tough part about boots, the breaking them in. I'm trying to wear them every day so by the end of it, they'll be all soft and comfortable.

* Oh yes, I remember now what else I promised to talk about. There's this Red Bull event that I'm going for, to watch a Formula One racer go up and down the Bandra-Worli sealink (Which, by the way? Is one of my top five most favourite bridges in the world.) Now, that's not usually my sort of thing, but I thought it might be fun to watch, so if there are any F1 fans amongst you, you should check it out too. It's on October 11, at 2 pm, and the driver's name is David Coulthard (and he's cute too). Here's a link to the website for more deets--but you should come and say hi and we can watch the car together.


  1. "The driver's name is David Coulthard

    's like saying: "the author's name is Pablo Coelho."

    Your Kerala event is probably on the 9th of *October*, btw.

  2. a) PAOLO Coelho, thus proving my point.

    b) I don't know much about the sport, as I have said earlier in my post, so I have no frame of reference.

    c) thanks, have edited.

  3. he should have just called himself Paul and saved us all this trouble. :)

  4. haha

    bad timing 4 me,em.. I jus left kerala 2 weeks agoo...:(((

  5. It's my absolute life-saver, that link. I blink and I'm in Bandra. Will be watching for sure, but from the Worli end.

  6. Thanks for that shopping blog tip - it's great!

  7. I am not a fan of sports either,could have made the same mistake!

    Heyyy eM don't let the blog die,read somewhere in the comments of last post that perhaps this blog's expiry date is nearing.You love us too,right?

  8. Yes, yes. We meet, we sort, we conquer the streets. Grown men will be made to weep by our bargaining prowess.

  9. hey there,
    I am new here but I really am in complete awe of your writing shtick and now on you may count on me as a regular follower of your blog.

    p.s. Dont know if this'll interest you but I was also covered by The Glimpse Chandigarh, along side you for this month's issue.

  10. You visit Kerala, but when will you have a reading session in Gurgaon? Contact Landmark in Grand Mall, they will be happy to host you


    4yrs, 7 rewrites ? OMG
    Kindly read the reviews
    and save trees :)plz



  14. here is a quick question - clothing woes....
    headed to bbay for a couple of days, looking to shop for sexy party stuff. u know the slinky shiny backless tops to hot yet elegant dresses......where to go?
    price no issue, though not that it burns a permanent hole in the pocket!


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