My latest book is The One Who Swam With The Fishes.

"A mesmerizing account of the well-known story of Matsyagandha ... and her transformation from fisherman’s daughter to Satyavati, Santanu’s royal consort and the Mother/Progenitor of the Kuru clan." - Hindustan Times

"Themes of fate, morality and power overlay a subtle and essential feminism to make this lyrical book a must-read. If this is Madhavan’s first book in the Girls from the Mahabharata series, there is much to look forward to in the months to come." - Open Magazine

"A gleeful dollop of Blytonian magic ... Reddy Madhavan is also able to tackle some fairly sensitive subjects such as identity, the love of and karmic ties with parents, adoption, the first sexual encounter, loneliness, and my favourite, feminist rage." - Scroll

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29 May 2009

Things I like about my new house

Updated with pictures!

1. It's new. Novelty factor, etc.


3. The light switches are way fancy with dimmers. It's true. I need boing-boing porno music in the background.

4. Like the awesome closet space, an even more awesome dressing table. (see right, with my feet in the foreground) I'm serious. It has a mirror lined with lights (which are white, meh, most unflattering) and a stool to pull up to it so you can be a lady of leisure and dabble on your face in your towel.

5. Running water. My old house hasn't had 24-hour water in a while.

6. The cool door-light thingy. You open the door to the house and like a hotel, the light above the door comes on. And then goes off when you shut it. Isn't that great?

7. Its proximity to everything. Imagine living two years in Bombay and only ever being able to have pizza or Indian home delivered. This afternoon, I called for Lebanese. Dude.

8. Living with JC means I can walk around in my underwear at all times and no one will gasp in horror and say, "Cover yourself up!" In fact, we both walk around in our underwear. It's very liberating, except each time the doorbell rings, there is a mad dash to the bedroom to throw on some clothes.

9. My "office" area is in a niche, half-closed in by a wall and a bookshelf (picture on the left), so no one can see me. And I face a window. It's almost like having my own room.

10. Because I now live so close to everything and everyone, people have been popping round for the last week and I never have to go out drinking again. (Well, I might get bored of just sitting at home soon, but for now, see point one). I'm hoping to have a whole open house hippy vibe established, where people can just come over with a bottle of vodka or a packet of chips and sit and chill all day. We even got our superfast wi-fi going, so we're all good.

I'm peaced out. Long may it last.


  1. Wow..congrats for the new house :)

  2. The "office" sounds lovely, and what view does the window offer?

  3. wow, congrats. your house sound wonderful. TC:))

  4. The house sounds nice!

    And dude, I have been craving Lebanese food with every pore of my body. What's the place?

  5. enjoy it till the novelty lasts ... and even later :)

  6. Wow. This sounds amazing. I am happy for you! Hope you never get bored.

  7. I just feel sweet roaming in your underwear with your partner in a plush house eating some yummm lebabnese food...sounds like a dream...hearty congratulations on the new house eM! Would love to see some pics!

  8. hei congrats. and how s tc coping with all the fuss? he got mice to catch?

  9. the house description makes me jealous! but really happy for u... good to know about it... enjoy!

  10. and oh yes,how's TC? (his fanbase is probably bigger than yours out! :P)

  11. Oooooo Dimmers! i've a strange fascination with them. oh-so-fancy

    and Lebanese ?! O_O nah-ees

    PS: maybe you should hang a house-coat by the door, thats what i do whenever i DO get to strut in my undies.

  12. Awesome post.Congrats on the new house.I love the way you have described it.Have a great weekend.

  13. Out of curiosity, did you have a hard time finding someone to rent to an unmarried and therefore completely immoral couple? :)

  14. hell yes! T and I are coming over for drinks when I'm in Bombay end June. hurray for awesome new houses in bandra:)

  15. And nice window nook there. But pink walls? How does your man deal? :)

  16. area of this new house being??

    ps i LIKE your cat!

  17. Congratulations!!
    Lol, I want a cool door-light thing too!! Yes, it's because I'm too lazy to walk to the switch board and switch all the lights off.

    Hehe, does TC have his own space in the new house?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. congrats..your house sounds nice!enjoy with your new space..

  20. hey meenu..dis was what was needed after all this while...
    a house to call ur own n dat too wid ur beau..
    heavenly bliss....congrats...njoy being in d buff!!

  21. nail polish, anklet, stylishly captured're fleet flirting!!!

  22. hey...i was seeing "we the people" on NDTV from where i got to know about you and the blog.

    What compels me to read is the erotic nature it brings.

    Keep the words flowing...I really appreciate your writing..good work.

  23. The new house sounds/looks great. We are in the process of getting one for ourselves too.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. A BIG yay for the pictures.Lovely to see your house.The light-thingy does sound incredibly naaaaaaaaaice!!

    Hope you have a great time love filled life with JC Miss Pretty Feet :).

  26. i love the carrie bradshaw bit. wardrobe is MOST important. then the bath and the bed. love ur style. dude.

  27. Touchwood...for the peacefullness, the soft pace pretty feet? ;) try as I may i cannot get my feet to look like that no matter how many people r scrubbing away at it!!!
    i love ur blog...know what i'd love even more? An autogaphed copy of ur book.I mean i could get it in delhi but it wont be the same now will it?
    [il pay u!! not chep..well a student but not cheap!]

  28. I jus saw u in People' a channel in Kerala, u being interviewed all I saw is the name of ur book, I caught of it and found out...

    U r really an interesting personality. I admire ur guts to shout all ur feelings.
    Meenakshi u rock


  29. NTHNG TO SAY ONLY 1 THING ITS SUPERB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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